
Free membership is free to set up when you first join SignHow.
All free members can search and access all signs in all languages.

Standard membership offers more useful features for a monthly or annual membership fee:
  • Search signs in any language (free membership)
  • Save signs for quick access in your dashboard
  • Browse signs in categories
  • Upload your own signs into your private library

Please go here to view everything that we offer on SignHow!

Guess what?
You can use your NDIS funding or Employment Assistance Fund to cover one year membership. Learn here how you can do this or contact us for more information! 

Monthly standard membership:
If you decide to cancel your standard membership, you can do so at any time before your next billing date. Once you cancel, you will still have access to your membership benefits for the remainder of your current billing period.

Annual standard membership:
If you decide to cancel your annual  membership, you can do so at any time before your next billing date. Once you cancel, you will still have access to your membership benefits for the remainder of your current month. However, the next month, your account will revert to free membership. Your private signs and saved signs will still be saved in your account should you wish to return to standard membership for up to 12 months. We will also refund you the prorated amount for the remaining membership period. Please note that the current month subscription fee is non-refundable. If you wish to upgrade back to standard membership, you can do so at any time.

Please contact us here to send us an email here. Our team will endeavour to get back to you within 2-5 business days.